
React - custom useLocalStorage hook

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In this article, we would like to show you how to create a custom hook to save data in local storage under React application.

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Practical example


In this example, we present a practical example of how to use useLocalStorage() custom hook to store data in local storage.

There are two basic concepts in this solution:

  1. useEffect inside the useLocalStorage hook is responsible for setting the key/value pair inside the local storage,
  2. getSavedValue method is a getter for data saved in the local storage by key.

Note: local storage stores values as trings. This is the reason why JSON.parse() to get the value and JSON.stringify() to set value are used.


Custom useLocalStorage hook in React.
Custom useLocalStorage hook in React.


  1. Window.localStorage - Web APIs | MDN
  2. Storage.getItem() - Web APIs | MDN
  3. Storage.setItem() - Web APIs | MDN

Alternative titles

  1. React - custom hook to use local storage
  2. React - custom hook to save data in local storage
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