
JavaScript - web browser built-in XPath API example

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In this short article we would like to show how to use built-in XPath API in Web Browser JavaScript.

Simple example:

Note: above example shows how to get element by id with XPath.

XPath 1.0 appeard in 1990. Since begining 3 additional versions of XPath appeard: 2.0 in 2007, 3.0 in 2014 and 3.1 in 2017. The web browsers that provide XPath API are: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Safari.

As once of web browsers, Internet Explorer provides different API for XPath usage - at this time IE is not supported and it is not recommended to support that browser in web projects (we have 2020). So we will not focus on, how to use XPath in IE.

Practical example:

More complicated example


 The example shows how to get elements by class name and containing text using XPath.

Note: when we use AJAX, document can be replaced with xhr.responseXML object.

Universal example


Sometimes it is necessary to to find XML Document before XPath querring. That situation appears when we have node that can be located in different document. The solution is to use documentElement property that can be used to create XPath evaluator.

Check below example to see how it works:

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