
Tomcat 8 - https / SSL / TSL configuration for development on localhost

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In this article we would like to show how to enable https in Tomcat 8 Server and use it for development on development.

Simple steps

  1. go to Tomcat configuration directory,
    e.g. in Windows it can be: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-tomcat-8.0.46\conf
    e.g. in Debian Linux it can be: /var/lib/tomcat8/conf
  2. open server.xml,
  3. confugure following listener:
    Listener element should be nested directly inside Server element at begining of config file.
  4. find and edit or create new one Connector element that has scheme="https" attribute, e.g.:

    Connector element should be nested in Server -> Service -> Connector and keystorePass attribute should be set to own one password.

    Note: official documentation can be found here.
  5. go to home directory and execute following command:
    - use same password like in Connector element,
    - example home directory: ~/my_user_name for Linux/Unix or C:\Users\my_user_name for Windows ~10.
    Console output:
    Note: official documentation can be found here.
  6. run yours server,
  7. open in web browser following link: https://localhost:8443/,
  8. in web browser confirm proceding to unsafe page.


Example screenshots

Tomcat 8 https / ssl / tsc server Listener configuration example.
Tomcat 8 https / ssl / tsc server Listener configuration example.
Tomcat 8 https / ssl / tsc server Connector configuration example.
Tomcat 8 https / ssl / tsc server Connector configuration example.
Proceding to unsafe web page confirmation - step 1 - Google Chrome Browser
Proceding to unsafe web page confirmation - step 1 - Google Chrome Browser
Proceding to unsafe web page confirmation - step 2 - Google Chrome Browser
Proceding to unsafe web page confirmation - step 2 - Google Chrome Browser
https web page loaded on localhost - Google Chrome Browser
https web page loaded on localhost - Google Chrome Browser
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