
Java - how to write java object to CSV file using Jackson CSV library

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1. Overview


In this post we will save java object into CSV file using Jackson CSV processor.

To use Jackson CSV library we need to add jackson-dataformat-csv dependency to pom.xml.

2. Write java object to CSV file


Below we have 2 classes we need to save simple UserDto java class to CSV file.
Ensure to set correct path and filename as output.

To run this example copy to your project those 2 files:

  1. UserCsvWriter
  2. UserDto

2.1 Logic

Logic which saves UserDto java pojo object to CSV file with Jackson CSV library.

Usage of classes:

  • CsvMapper + CsvSchema from jackson CSV library
  • ObjectWriter from jackson databind library
  • JsonGenerator from jackson core


2.2 User Pojo object - UserDto


  1. jackson-dataformat-csv - maven
  2. Comma-separated values (CSV) - wiki
  3. CsvMapper - JavaDoc
  4. CsvSchema - JavaDoc
  5. ObjectWriter - JavaDoc
  6. JsonGenerator - JavaDoc
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