JavaScript - pad right number in string with zeros or spaces to get determined length
In JavaScript it is possible to pad any number with some character in the following ways:
- with simple custom method (Example 1),
- with
method placed insideString
class (Example 2 and 3) - introduced in ES2017 - is not supported in older browsers.
1. Custom solution example
In this section custom solution on how to pad any characters on the right side is presented.
// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;
function padRight(number, length, character) {
if (character == null) {
character = ' ';
var result = new String(number);
for (var i = result.length; i < length; ++i) {
result += character;
return result;
// Usage example:
console.log(padRight(123, 2) + ' ' + padRight(456, 2));
console.log(padRight(123, 4) + ' ' + padRight(456, 4));
console.log(padRight(123, 6, ' ') + ' ' + padRight(456, 6, ' '));
console.log(padRight(123, 6, '*'));
console.log(padRight(123, 6, '.'));
console.log(padRight(123, 6, '0'));
2. Polifill example
ECMAScript 2017 introduced a function that pads numbers.
2.1. Inline code example
In this section presented code uses copied method from the polyfill library.
// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;
// https://github.com/uxitten/polyfill/blob/master/string.polyfill.js
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/padEnd
if (!String.prototype.padEnd) {
String.prototype.padEnd = function padEnd(targetLength,padString) {
targetLength = targetLength>>0; //floor if number or convert non-number to 0;
padString = String((typeof padString !== 'undefined' ? padString : ' '));
if (this.length > targetLength) {
return String(this);
else {
targetLength = targetLength-this.length;
if (targetLength > padString.length) {
padString += padString.repeat(targetLength/padString.length); //append to original to ensure we are longer than needed
return String(this) + padString.slice(0,targetLength);
var text1 = '123';
var text2 = '456';
console.log(text1.padEnd(2) + ' ' + text2.padEnd(2));
console.log(text1.padEnd(4) + ' ' + text2.padEnd(4));
console.log(text1.padEnd(6, ' ') + ' ' + text2.padEnd(6, ' '));
console.log(text1.padEnd(6, '*'));
console.log(text1.padEnd(6, '.'));
console.log(text1.padEnd(6, '0'));
2.2. Included code example
In this section presented code uses a polyfill library.
// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;
<!doctype html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/js-polyfills/0.1.42/polyfill.min.js"></script>
var text1 = '123';
var text2 = '456';
document.writeln(text1.padEnd(2) + ' ' + text2.padEnd(2));
document.writeln(text1.padEnd(4) + ' ' + text2.padEnd(4));
document.writeln(text1.padEnd(6, ' ') + ' ' + text2.padEnd(6, ' '));
document.writeln(text1.padEnd(6, '*'));
document.writeln(text1.padEnd(6, '.'));
document.writeln(text1.padEnd(6, '0'));