
JavaScript - Uncaught TypeError: this.nextSibling.focus is not a function

3 points
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Hello, I've tried to focus an input element when I click on the span element (with "Username:" label) using this.nextSibling property with focus() method but I've got the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: this.nextSibling.focus is not a function

My code:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <span onclick="this.nextSibling.focus()">Username:</span>
  <input type="text"/>
1 answer
3 points
Answered by:

It's because nextSibling property returns the next Node which is Text node, not the next Element (HTMLInputElement in your's code case).

Quick solution:

Change the nextSibling to nextElementSibling:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <span onclick="this.nextElementSibling.focus()">Username:</span>
  <input type="text"/>



nextSibling returns node, nextElementSibling returns element. Each element is node, but node is element only in some cases, what whas shown in this article.

1. nextSibling property

Returns the node immediately following the specified one in their parent's childNodes.


In the below example, the first node following the span element is the Text node containing a new line character (\n).

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <span onclick="console.log(this.nextSibling);">Click here to see nextSibling:</span>
  <input type="text"/>


[object Text]


2. nextElementSibling property

Returns the element immediately following the specified one in its parent's children list.

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <span onclick="console.log(this.nextElementSibling);">Click here to see nextElementSibling:</span>
  <input type="text"/>


[object HTMLInputElement]


See also

  1. JavaScript - focus HTML input field on label click

  2. HTML - focus input field on label click


  1. Node.nextSibling - Web APIs | MDN
  2. Element.nextElementSibling - Web APIs | MDN
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