
Gmail - how to turn off new view and go back to old layout (2021-06)

5 points
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Quick question, does anyone know how to turn off new layout and go back to old one?

Today I clicked something gmail asked me, and I have design that I don't like.

My new gmail looks like this:

Gmail - new layout (2021-06)
Gmail - new layout (2021-06)

Please, please, please - help me.

1 answer
8 points
Answered by:


  1. Click Settings icon
  2. See all settings button
  3. Chat and Meet tab
  4. Change from 'Google Chat' to 'Classic Hangouts'
  5. Click save 'Save Changes'


Gmail - turn off new layout and Google Chat
Gmail - turn off new layout and Google Chat


Usually it happens when gmail will ask us this:

Gmail - Switch to Chat
Gmail - Switch to Chat

And we click 'Switch to Chat' :)

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