
Python - format strings

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In this article, we would like to show you how to format strings in Python.

Quick solution:

color = "red"
text = "The apple is {}."

print(text.format(color))  # The apple is red.


Practical examples

Example 1

In this example, to format the string we use format() method that takes the passed arguments and puts them in the place of the placeholders {}.

name = "Tom"
age = 25

text = "This is my friend {}, he is {}."

print(text.format(name, age))


This is my friend Tom, he is 25.

Example 2

You can also specify the placeholders order by using numbered indexes ({0}, {1}) or named indexes ({name}, {age}).

name = "Tom"
age = 25

text = "This is my friend {1}, he is {0}."

print(text.format(age, name))


text = "This is my friend {name}, he is {age}."

print(text.format(name="Tom", age=25))


This is my friend Tom, he is 25.
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Python - format strings
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