
Linux - add user to specific group

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In this article, we're going to have a look at how to add user to specific group in Linux.

Simplest way is to use usermod command as super user (user with special permissions).

Quick solution:

usermod -a -G new-group some-user


  • -a - adding new group,
  • -G - other user groups modification (not main user group),
  • new-group - new group assigned to some-user,
  • some-user - name of user that we modify.

Check following example to know how to do it:

1. Add user to existing group example

In this section we would like to show how add some user to avaialble group - in this example sudo group.

Note be sure you are logged-in as user with special permissions, e.g. super user / root.

  1. If you are not, login to root account with command:

    It will ask you to type root password and press enter key:

    john@ubuntu-pc:~$ su
  2. Then add user to group with command:
    usermod -a -G sudo john

    Note: sudo group can be replaced with any existing group name.

  3. Then check if the user has been attached to the group with command:
    groups john

    It should return something similar:

    root@ubuntu-pc:/home/john# groups john
    john : john cdrom sudo

    If sudo group name is printed it means we are in the group.

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