JavaScript tutorial - most useful operations
In this article, we would like to show you the most useful JavaScript operations.
JavaScript - string conversion tutorial:
- string to number
- string to int
- string to float
- string to boolean
- string to date
- string to time
- string to DateTime
- string to millisecond time
- string to array - split string to array
- string to lowercase
- string to uppercase
- string to lowercase and uppercase
JavaScript - JSON conversion tutorial:
- json text to string variable
- json text to object variable
- json text to array variable
- json text to dictionary variable
- json text to csv
JavaScript - popular operations:
- make first letter of string uppercase
- underscore to camelcase notation
- camelcase to underscore notation
JavaScript - number conversion tutorial:
- number to string
- number to binary
- number to currency
- number to hex
- number to date
- number to boolean
- number to array of digits
- number to letter
- number to words
- number to integer
- number to decimal
- number to bits
- number to byte
- number to base64
- number to bit array
JavaScript convert int to string
JavaScript convert int to float
JavaScript convert int to binary
JavaScript convert decimal to hexadecimal
JavaScript display float with 2 decimal places
JavaScript format number to always display 2 decimal places
JavaScript - instruction tutorial:
JavaScript Math object methods:
- Math.abs()
- Math.acos()
- Math.asin()
- Math.atan()
- Math.atan2()
- Math.ceil()
- Math.cos()
- Math.exp()
- Math.floor()
- Math.log()
- Math.log2()
- Math.log10()
- Math.max()
- Math.min()
- Math.pow()
- Math.random()
- Math.round()
- Math.sign()
- Math.sin()
- Math.sqrt()
- Math.tan()
- Math.trunc()
JavaScript Math Object Constants (Properties):
JavaScript String methods:
- charAt()
- charCodeAt()
- codePointAt()
- concat()
- endsWith()
- includes()
- indexOf()
- lastIndexOf()
- localeCompare()
- match()
- matchAll()
- normalize()
- padEnd()
- padStart()
- repeat()
- replace()
- search()
- slice()
- split()
- startsWith()
- substring()
- toLocaleLowerCase()
- toLocaleUpperCase()
- toLowerCase()
- toString()
- toUpperCase()
- trim()
- trimEnd()
- trimStart()
- valueOf()
JavaScript String static methods:
- String.fromCharCode()
- String.fromCodePoint()
JavaScript String Properties:
- prototype
- length
- constructor