
JavaScript - safe ASCII characters in request parameters in URL

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In this short article we would like to show how to print all safe ASCII characters that we are able to use in request parameters in URL.

Runnable code:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;


for (let i = 0, n = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
  	var char = String.fromCharCode(i);
  	var safeChar = encodeURIComponent(char);
  	if (char === safeChar) {
      	n += 1;
  		console.log(n + '\t' + char + '\t' + i.toString(2));

Full list:


1		!		100001
2		'		100111
3		(		101000
4		)		101001
5		*		101010
6		-		101101
7		.		101110
8		0		110000
9		1		110001
10		2		110010
11		3		110011
12		4		110100
13		5		110101
14		6		110110
15		7		110111
16		8		111000
17		9		111001
18		A		1000001
19		B		1000010
20		C		1000011
21		D		1000100
22		E		1000101
23		F		1000110
24		G		1000111
25		H		1001000
26		I		1001001
27		J		1001010
28		K		1001011
29		L		1001100
30		M		1001101
31		N		1001110
32		O		1001111
33		P		1010000
34		Q		1010001
35		R		1010010
36		S		1010011
37		T		1010100
38		U		1010101
39		V		1010110
40		W		1010111
41		X		1011000
42		Y		1011001
43		Z		1011010
44		_		1011111
45		a		1100001
46		b		1100010
47		c		1100011
48		d		1100100
49		e		1100101
50		f		1100110
51		g		1100111
52		h		1101000
53		i		1101001
54		j		1101010
55		k		1101011
56		l		1101100
57		m		1101101
58		n		1101110
59		o		1101111
60		p		1110000
61		q		1110001
62		r		1110010
63		s		1110011
64		t		1110100
65		u		1110101
66		v		1110110
67		w		1110111
68		x		1111000
69		y		1111001
70		z		1111010
71		~		1111110
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