
JavaScript - check if object has property or function

14 points
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In JavaScript, it is possible to check if the object has a property or method (function) in the following ways.

1. hasOwnProperty method example

This approach checks only entries that are directly inside the object.

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

var student = {
	name: 'John',
  	age: 25,
  	print: function() { /* nothing here... */ }

console.log(student.hasOwnProperty('age')); // true
console.log(student.hasOwnProperty('todos')); // false
console.log(student.hasOwnProperty('print')); // true

2. in keyword example

This approach checks elements that are inside the prototype chain.

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

var student = {
	name: 'John',
  	age: 25,
  	print: function() { /* nothing here... */ }

console.log('age' in student); // true
console.log('todos' in student); // false
console.log('print' in student); // true

Note: be careful during using this approach because of inherited properties and methods e.g. true value for 'toString' in student expression.

3. Most common mistakes

3.1. in keyword for entry in prototype chain example

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

// some code...

Object.prototype.role = 'admin';

// some code...

var student = {
	name: 'John',
  	age: 25

console.log('role' in student); // true

3.2. if instruction for undefined or null valued entries example

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

// some code...

Object.prototype.role = null;

// some code...

var student = {
	name: 'John',
  	age: 25,
  	experience: '',
  	family: null // undefined

// for existing null valued inherted property:
console.log(   student.role   ? true : false); // false
console.log(  student['role'] ? true : false); // false
console.log(!! student.role   ); // false
console.log(!!student['role'] ); // false

// for existing property:
console.log(   ? true : false); // true
console.log(  student['name'] ? true : false); // true
console.log(!!   ); // true
console.log(!!student['name'] ); // true

// for existing property:
console.log(   student.experience   ? true : false); // false
console.log(  student['experience'] ? true : false); // false
console.log(!! student.experience   ); // false
console.log(!!student['experience'] ); // false

// for existing null valued property:
console.log(   ? true : false); // false
console.log(  student['family'] ? true : false); // false
console.log(!!   ); // false
console.log(!!student['family'] ); // false

// for not existing property:
console.log(   student.todos   ? true : false); // false
console.log(  student['todos'] ? true : false); // false
console.log(!! student.todos   ); // false
console.log(!!student['todos'] ); // false

Alternative titles

  1. JavaScript - how to check if object property is defined?
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