
JavaScript - add, remove, get and check element class name

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In this article, we want to show a simple summary of the operations on the classList property located inside the element. The class list lets to add single class names into elements under JavaScript.


The element can have only unique class names like Set does.



With classList.add() we are able to add a single class name to element classes.


By default classList.get() function is not available.

Go to below classList.contains() function description to find an alternative.


When classList.toggle() is used with two parameters work like set() method:

  • adding class name when the second parameter is true,
    e.g. classList.toggle('class-name', true)
  • removing class name when the second parameter is false,
    e.g. classList.toggle('class-name', false)

With classList.remove() we are able to remove a single class name from element classes.


With classList.replace() we are able to replace a single class name from element classes with a new one.


When classList.toggle() is used with a single parameter:

  • removes class name if already exists in the element,
  • adds class name in another case.

In other words, we can say: the classList.toggle() method works like a switch.

When classList.toggle() added class name it returns true, in other cases false (when removed class name).


Go to the 3. set example to see the toggle() with two arguments. 


With classList.contains() we are able to check if the element's classList contains the given class name.


With classList.contains() we are able to check if the element's classList contains the given class name.


In the example below, we use forEach() method to iterate and display class names from the element's classList.

Alternative titles

  1. JavaScript - element classList usage example
  2. JavaScript - element class list usage example
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