
HTML - open link in new tab

6 points
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In this article, we would like to show you how in a safe way create a link that isĀ openedĀ after a click inĀ a new tab.

Quick solution:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">
  Link name

Note (inĀ 2021): when we useĀ target="_blank"Ā attribute in links, in major modern web browsers, it is automatically usedĀ rel="noopener"Ā attribute behaving to prevent vulnerabilities - check notificationĀ here.

Warning: for security reasons, it is important to use rel="noopener" attribute, even if some tools warns us about unnecessary attribute.


// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

<!-- WARNING: use this solution when you open the page that is safe, e.g. your pages -->

<a href="" target="_blank">
  Link name

Hint:Ā rel="noopener" is not needed if we know the link opens the safe pageĀ (safe page is the page that will not make unsafe opetaion on out web page using JavaScript).


Practical example

In this example, we use a element with additional properties to open the link in a new tab:

  • target="_blank"Ā - specifies to open the linked pageĀ in a new tab,
  • rel="noreferrer noopener" - which is a good practice and helpsĀ to preventĀ tabnabbingĀ and hide information about from what page the user came.
// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

<a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">
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Note: the default value of the target property is _self which opens linked page in the current working tab.



  1. Link type "noreferrer" - W3C Working Draft
  2. Link type "noopener" - W3C Working Draft

Alternative titles

  1. HTML - open link in new window
  2. HTML - safe way to open link in new window
  3. HTML - safe way to open link in new tab
  4. HTML - noopener example
  5. HTML - noreferrer example
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