
JavaScript - exec() vs match()

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In this article, we would like to explain the difference between RegExp exec() and String match() functions in JavaScript.



located in RegExp class,


const expression = /\s/g;
const text = 'a b c';

const match = expression.exec(text);

located in string,


const expression = /\s/g;
const text = 'a b c';

const matches = text.match(expression);
shifts expression.lastIndex in some modes,
e.g. in global mode (g flag)
do not shifts expression.lastIndex,
e.g. match() call ignores the above property
supports groups,
e.g. we can use ( ) in the expressions

do not support groups,
e.g. ( ) are ignored in the expressions

returns single match with details per exec() call
e.g. details: index, text, etc.
returns array with matched texts


exec() method updates lastIndex property value, so sometimes, when we use the same expression with different texts it is needed to reset lastIndex property to start pattern matching sice text begining,

e.g. expression.lastIndex = 0 before exec() method call



Practical examples

Example 1:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

// match() vs exec()

const expression = /\s/g;
const text = 'Example text.';

// match()

if (text.match(expression)) {
	console.log('The string contains space(s).');

// exec()

expression.lastIndex = 0;  // needed when we work with different textson the same expression object
                           // reasone: exec() shifts lastIndex value

if (expression.exec(text)) {
	console.log('The string contains space(s).');

Example 2:

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

// match() vs exec()

const expression = /\s/g;
const text = 'Example text with multiple spaces.';

// match()

const matches = text.match(expression);

if (matches) {
	console.log('The string contains ' + matches.length + ' space(s).');

// exec()

expression.lastIndex = 0;  // needed when we work with different textson the same expression object
                           // reasone: exec() shifts lastIndex value

while (true) {
	const match = expression.exec(text);
	if (match == null) {
  	console.log('The string contains space (index=' + match.index + ').');
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