
Create bootable pendrive of Ubuntu installer under Linux

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In this article, we would like to show how to create bootable pendrive of Ubuntu installer under Linux.

Simple steps:

  1. prepare a pendrive with a capacity of at least 8 GB,
  2. download Ubuntu installer as *.iso file,
    Official Ubuntu web site:
    Example downloaded file name: kubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso
  3. insert pendrive into any USB socket in your computer,
  4. find pendrive device name,
    You can use lsblk command, e.g.
    john@home-pc:~$ lsblk
    sda                    8:0    0   3,6T  0 disk  
    └─sda1                 8:1    0   3,6T  0 part  
    sdb                    8:16   1   7,5G  0 disk  
    └─sdb1                 8:17   1   7,5G  0 part  
    nvme0n1              259:0    0 931,5G  0 disk  
    ├─nvme0n1p1          259:1    0   512M  0 part  /boot/efi
    ├─nvme0n1p2          259:2    0     2G  0 part  /boot
    └─nvme0n1p3          259:3    0   929G  0 part  
      └─encrypted        252:0    0   929G  0 crypt 
        ├─encrypted-SWAP 252:1    0     8G  0 lvm   
        ├─encrypted-ROOT 252:2    0    64G  0 lvm   /
        └─encrypted-HOME 252:3    0   857G  0 lvm   /home

    Where: sdb is the name of the connected 8GB pendrive.
    Note: you can run lsblk command before and after pendrive is inserted to see what name has appeard pendrive device.

  5. copy *.iso file content to pendrive,
    You can use dd command, e.g.
    sudo dd if=kubuntu-24.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb
    • if= indicates path to downloaded *.iso file,
    • of= indicates path to pendrive device,
    Note: dd command execution may take few minutes.
    Warning: be sure if you choose right of= path!
  6. done
    Optionally you can run sync command after all to be sure if all data was written out, and take out the pendrive from the USB socket.


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