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IT Knowledge
for Code
Java Collections - LinkedHashSet
Java Collections - TreeSet
Angular 7
C # / .NET (PL)
C# - DateTime
C# - DateTime conversion
C# - Thread Class
C# - concurrency
C# - string conversion
C# / .NET - Math object
C# / .NET - String (popular problems)
C# / .NET - String documentation
C# / .NET - file API
C# / .NET - random
C# conversion
CSS - Artykuły
CSS - Blog posts
CSS - Flexbox
Chrome DevTools
Cross technology - AND, OR, NOT operators
Cross technology - Aliases
Cross technology - Alter Table
Cross technology - BETWEEN clause
Cross technology - CASE statement
Cross technology - Comments
Cross technology - Create database
Cross technology - Create table
Cross technology - Create view
Cross technology - Delete query
Cross technology - Drop database
Cross technology - Drop table
Cross technology - Drop view
Cross technology - Full Outer Join
Cross technology - GROUP BY statement
Cross technology - INSERT INTO statement
Cross technology - Inner Join
Cross technology - JOIN list + SQL Query
Cross technology - LIKE operator
Cross technology - LIMIT clause
Cross technology - Left Join
Cross technology - Math.E
Cross technology - Math.PI
Cross technology - Math.abs()
Cross technology - Math.acos()
Cross technology - Math.asin()
Cross technology - Math.atan()
Cross technology - Math.atan2()
Cross technology - Math.ceil()
Cross technology - Math.cos()
Cross technology - Math.exp()
Cross technology - Math.floor()
Cross technology - Math.log()
Cross technology - Math.log10()
Cross technology - Math.log2()
Cross technology - Math.max()
Cross technology - Math.min()
Cross technology - Math.pow()
Cross technology - Math.random()
Cross technology - Math.round()
Cross technology - Math.sign()
Cross technology - Math.sin()
Cross technology - Math.sqrt()
Cross technology - Math.tan()
Cross technology - Math.trunc()
Cross technology - ORDER BY clause
Cross technology - Right Join
Cross technology - SELECT DISTINCT statement
Cross technology - Select query
Cross technology - Soundex algorithm implementation
Cross technology - UPDATE statement
Cross technology - WHERE clause
Cross technology - add days to date
Cross technology - add hours to date
Cross technology - add milliseconds to date
Cross technology - add minutes to date
Cross technology - add months to date
Cross technology - add seconds to date
Cross technology - add years to date
Cross technology - calculate Levenshtein distance between strings
Cross technology - check if specific year is leap
Cross technology - check if string contains only digits
Cross technology - check if string is empty
Cross technology - check if string only contains numbers
Cross technology - check if variable is array type
Cross technology - check string length
Cross technology - check words similarity (fuzzy compare with bigrams)
Cross technology - clone array
Cross technology - common problems
Cross technology - compare strings
Cross technology - convert array to LinkedHashSet
Cross technology - convert camelCase to sentence case
Cross technology - convert char array to Character array
Cross technology - convert char array to string
Cross technology - convert character array to integer array
Cross technology - convert character to ASCII code
Cross technology - convert list to string
Cross technology - convert string to boolean
Cross technology - convert string to character array
Cross technology - convert string to datetime
Cross technology - convert string to double
Cross technology - convert string to float
Cross technology - convert string to integer
Cross technology - convert string to json
Cross technology - convert string to lowercase
Cross technology - convert string to uppercase
Cross technology - convert unix timestamp to Date
Cross technology - convert unix timestamp to time
Cross technology - count character occurrences
Cross technology - create array
Cross technology - create new array of strings
Cross technology - day name for the first day of month
Cross technology - default array values
Cross technology - find character index in string
Cross technology - find text in string
Cross technology - generate array with 10 random numbers
Cross technology - generate random char array of size 10
Cross technology - generate random string of size n characters
Cross technology - get array length
Cross technology - get array size
Cross technology - get first 2 characters of string
Cross technology - get first 3 characters of string
Cross technology - get first character of string
Cross technology - get first n characters of string
Cross technology - get last 2 characters of string
Cross technology - get last 3 characters of string
Cross technology - get last character of string
Cross technology - get last n characters of string
Cross technology - get number of days in month
Cross technology - get number of days in specific year
Cross technology - get substring of string
Cross technology - index of pattern in string using regex
Cross technology - insert unicode character to string
Cross technology - iterate over array of strings
Cross technology - iterate through string
Cross technology - max value in array
Cross technology - min value in array
Cross technology - no-break / non-breaking space in string
Cross technology - pick random string from array of strings
Cross technology - remove first 2 characters from string
Cross technology - remove first 3 characters from string
Cross technology - remove first character from string
Cross technology - remove first n characters from string
Cross technology - remove last 2 characters from string
Cross technology - remove last 3 characters from string
Cross technology - remove last character from string
Cross technology - remove last n characters from string
Cross technology - remove prefix from string
Cross technology - remove substring from string between indexes
Cross technology - remove suffix from string
Cross technology - replace all occurrences of string
Cross technology - replace first 2 characters in string
Cross technology - replace first 3 characters in string
Cross technology - replace first character in string
Cross technology - replace first n characters in string
Cross technology - replace last 2 characters in string
Cross technology - replace last 3 characters in string
Cross technology - replace last 4 characters in string
Cross technology - replace last char in string
Cross technology - replace last n characters in string
Cross technology - replace part of string from given index
Cross technology - reverse string
Cross technology - reverse words in a given string
Cross technology - sort 2D array
Cross technology - split string by hyphen sign
Cross technology - split string by new line character
Cross technology - split string by space character
Cross technology - split string with more than 1 space between words
Cross technology - subtract days from date
Cross technology - subtract hours from date
Cross technology - subtract milliseconds from date
Cross technology - subtract minutes from date
Cross technology - subtract months from date
Cross technology - subtract seconds from date
Cross technology - subtract years from date
Cross technology - trim whitespace from string
Dirask - content writing
Dirask - my favourite posts
Docker - useful wiki posts
Git (PL)
Git - rebase & squash
Google Chrome Extensions
Google Search
Google Sheets
HTML - input element types
HTML table
Inkscape (DE)
IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA - problemy
Java - Math object
Java - Arrays (popular problems)
Java - Date & Time
Java - MySQL
Java - String (popular problems)
Java - String conversion
Java - String documentation
Java - StringBuilder class
Java - arithmetic operations
Java - collections
Java - conventions, naming, best practices
Java - file operations
Java - klasa String (dokumentacja)
Java - numbers operations
Java - random numbers
Java - string metrics algorithms
Java 8 - stream API examples
Java Collections - ArrayList
Java Collections - HashMap
Java Collections - HashSet
Java Collections - LinkedList
Java IO Tutorial
Java JSON - Jackson lib
Java JSON operation examples
Java Persistence API (JPA)
Java concurrency
Java conversion
Java dla początkujących
JavaScript - Array documentation
JavaScript - Arrays (popular problems)
JavaScript - Blog posts
JavaScript - DOM Node - problems & solutions
JavaScript - DOM Node documentation
JavaScript - Date & Time
JavaScript - HTML5 canvas tutorial
JavaScript - JSON
JavaScript - Math documentation (EN)
JavaScript - Math objeto (PT)
JavaScript - Objekt Math (DE)
JavaScript - Statements & declarations
JavaScript - String (documentation)
JavaScript - String (popular problems)
JavaScript - date & time - add to / subtract from
JavaScript - events
JavaScript - math (popular problems)
JavaScript - obiekt Math (PL)
JavaScript - random
JavaScript - string conversion
JavaScript - string metrics algorithms
JavaScript / XPath
JavaScript conversion
JavaScript tutorial
Lombok - java library
MS SQL Server
MS SQL Server - dates
MS SQL Server - functions
MS SQL Server - indexes
MS SQL Server - problems
Math - metric prefixes
Microsoft Excel
MySQL - Problems
MySQL - database backup / restore
MySQL - dates
MySQL - functions
MySQL - indexes
MySQL / cmd
Node.js - MySQL
Node.js - PostgreSQL
Node.js - PostgreSQL - Problems
Node.js - PostgreSQL - dates
Node.js - base64
Node.js - crypto module
Node.js - file system module
Node.js / Express.js
Node.js / Express.js - AJAX requests
Node.js / Express.js - session management
Notepad++ (PL)
PostgreSQL - Functions
PostgreSQL - dates
PostgreSQL - indexes
PostgreSQL - problems
Programming - Case Styles
Python - dictionary (popular problems)
Python - file operations
Python - fundamentals
Python - list (popular problems)
Python - math module
Python - set (popular problems)
Python - string (popular problems)
React - axios
React - react-router
React Ajax
React Forms
ReactJS (DE)
ReactJS (PL)
ReactJS - Artykuły
ReactJS - Blog berichten (DE)
ReactJS - Blog posts
ReactJS - events
Request for article
SQL - fundamentals (Cross technology)
Search engines for my application
Selenium Java
Spring Boot
TypeScript (PL)
Visual Studio Code
Web resources compression / minify (JS, CSS)
Windows 10
Windows 10 (PL)
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