
JavaScript - get html of whole webpage

15 points
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In JavaScript, it is possible to get the HTML code of all web pages in the following ways.

1. document.documentElement property example

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <div>Web site code here ...</div>

    var root = document.documentElement; // root element handle for current document
    var html = root.outerHTML;           // html of whole web site



2. head or body parentNode property example

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <div>Web site code here ...</div>

    function getRoot(document) {
        var element = document.head || document.body;
        while (true) {
            var parent = element.parentNode;
            if (parent == null || parent == document) {
                return element;
            element = parent;

    var root = getRoot(document); // root element handle for current document
    var html = root.outerHTML;    // html of whole web site



3. document.querySelector method example

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <div>Web site code here ...</div>

    var root = document.querySelector('html'); // element handle for current document
    var html = root.outerHTML;                 // html of whole web site



Note: using this approach you need to be sure that html tag is unique in your document.

4. jQuery prop method example

// ONLINE-RUNNER:browser;

  <script src=""></script>
  <div>Web site code here ...</div>

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var root = $('html');
      	var html = root.prop('outerHTML');


Note: using this approach you need to be sure that html tag is unique in your document.

Alternative titles

  1. JavaScript - how to get html of all webpage?
  2. JavaScript - how to get html of all web page?
  3. JavaScript - how to get html of whole web page?
  4. JavaScript - how to get outer html of root element?
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